The Hannya mask was originally used in Kabuki plays in Tokyo. However, the masks were such beautiful yet haunting piece of artwork that they became stand alone pieces of art. Many Japanese would collect and display them in their house and they believe it would ward off evil spirits. The Hannya masked represents a scorned women that has been overcome by her rage that she has turned into an evil demon. These are also very popular in traditional Japanese tattoos and tattoo in the West. It is hard to make a full sleeve of one mask but it can easily be combined with other Japanese designs and symbols.
Of course there is always the dragon. This is only second to the koi fish because dragons have been so common place. However, a powerful fierce dragon in red or black makes for the ideal tattoo design for men. It looks rough and tumble and ready to throw down or just breathe fire on a person. The dragon is a very mystical and mythical beast that is filled with all kinds of magic and great lore. The symbolism is of course of power and strength.
Koi fish are an ever popular theme for sleeve tattoo designs. The beautiful oranges of the koi fish and the blue water background lend themselves to the perfect tattoo design for a sleeve. By wrapping the fish around the front of the arm the fish looks dimensional and really pops out and comes to life. Thus it makes a cool looking tattoo with a lot of life. However, more then that the Koi tattoo represent strength, power and individuality. It represents the struggle of going through life and striving to be better. You see the Japanese myth is that the koi fish try to swim upstream. Not all of them make it but the ones that make it to the golden bridge become dragons and fly off into the sky. This is a way cool symbolism and a deep meaning and the chicks will go wild with how thoughtful and deeply emotional you are when you show off your tat and explain why you got it and the dudes in the group will admire it as well.